Tuesday 7 October 2008

Just Checking.

Started drawing! The scripts not fully finished yet but I'm going out of my mind writing, Drawing is so much better, but as ever the perfectionism is getting in the way.

The script will be finished in due course as I know where I'm going with the story, however it just needs to be filled out a little......I'll naturally keep you posted.

P.S. Got a warning suggesting that this is a spam blog? who runs this thing? As if!

Monday 6 October 2008

And so it begins,

Hi! I'm Neil and I'm working on a comic book that hopefully one fine sunny day will be published, I had fine advice at the weekend and Am now kicking my own arse to get creating! ( It's a bit difficult as my legs aren't that bendy! )

This should be a regular blog so I can document my progress inbetween eating, sleeping and working a 40 hour week Phew!!

But as they say no pain, no gain!